Concert tickets must be purchased separately.
Prices will go up closer to the date.

Johnny Holm Band
Friday, April 4th , 2025
Leader and front man of the most widely known and traveled band in America, Johnny Holm is the most entertaining performer today. The show is dedicated to the fans, and they do most of the entertaining. Mostly impromptu, the show moves with the speed of lightning and changes direction as soon as “the pied piper” notices a lag. “Never a dull moment” was never a more true description.
Surrounding himself with the finest musicians in the Midwest, the band rocks, picks, and thunders along for 3-4 hours, almost non-stop from the first song to the last laugh. Millions of people have seen Johnny over the years, and millions of people have been part of his fantourage. The band plays in most of the United States but most dates are in the 5 state upper Midwest area.
Ask anyone with a twinkle in their eye or a knowing smile about Johnny. They’ll try and tell you all about the mayhem that masquerades as a rock and roll band. Be hip most of your life, but once and a while, let down and “get down Holm fever”.

Branded Hot Country
Saturday, April 5th , 2025
BRANDED is a unique collaboration of four extremely talented musicians, brought together through their love of country music! What sets BRANDED apart is their incredible vocal ability and their tight, true, three-part harmonies. Combining their naturally high energy, unparalleled musicianship, and vocal prowess creates an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages!